
Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Five Ways to Leverage Positive Psychology
June 20, 2019
According to the recently released Gallup World Emotions Report, Americans are among the most stressed and worried people in the world at 55% and 45%, respectively. Causes for these negative emotions include workplace pressures, especially for women and working moms; increased competition within companies, schools and universities; frightening news events; political upheaval; and an overuse of social media and technology.
Now more than ever it’s important to prioritize health and well-being to overcome these statistics and help create a brighter, healthier and happier future for our country. While stress is an inevitable part of life, it can be managed effectively with the right tools.
Following are five ways to leverage positive psychology to decrease stress and anxiety and increase happiness and well-being.
To read the full article in the Los Altos Town Crier, click here.