
Having Passion and Purpose In the Work You Do Is Everything
August 2, 2021
Having passion and purpose in the work you do is everything. It allows you to make a positive impact in the world, feel fulfilled and potentially build a legacy. You don’t necessarily have to quit your job and start a company like I did (unless you feel compelled to do so yourself), but you can find ways to incorporate your passions and purpose into your current job, volunteer work or other projects you may be working on or would like to work on.
I’ve been passionate about health, wellness and fitness for as long as I can remember. What started out as a hobby and side-hustle, turned into a full-fledged career. After I experienced burnout as a busy working mom and wife, I left my job at Google and corporate America after 16 years, in search of greater work-life balance and the ability to pursue my passions and purpose. I then took a risk and huge leap of faith seven years ago and became an entrepreneur and launched my health and wellness company.
My mission is to empower women to flourish both personally and professionally through wellness. My vision is to continue to build and grow our local and global online wellness community, where women can have fun, make friends, feel supported and be encouraged to achieve their dreams and goals. I’m so grateful to have created the career of my dreams, as I truly love what I do. The good news? I believe it’s something that is within reach for anyone.
Here are five ways to find and incorporate your passion and purpose into your life and career:
To read the full article in Ms. Career Girl, click here.