
3 Tips for Productivity in Quarantine for Working Moms
July 22, 2020
Happy Wednesday! Since we’re at the mid-week point, I wanted to talk a little bit about productivity. With all that’s happening around us in the world, many of us working from home and having our families home with us this summer as well, it can often feel hard to be productive.
A typical day for me often involves teaching a livestream fitness class for my students in the morning, then doing a video conference call with one of my wellness consulting/coaching clients and spending the rest of the afternoon and early evening working on my marketing plan for my company, writing for my book and blog, taking a call with a vendor or business development partner and preparing for and doing a virtual speaking engagement.
On top of that, I’m planning and preparing meals for my family for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day, helping my kids with questions on summer school or online summer camps, playing referee when my kids start fighting or arguing, doing laundry, doing dishes, spending time with my husband and kids in our backyard and more. Whew – I’m exhausted just typing that all out!
However, in order to stay motivated and productive, I highly recommend these three tips that work really well for me and many of my clients:
1) Make a list of your top three most important goals each for work and home and get laser focused on only getting those things done for that day before you move on to anything else.
2) Block time in your calendar to stay organized and map out what your day will look like.
3) Remain flexible and expect interruptions to come up with work, the kids, within the household, etc., but don’t let that throw you off task. Work through the chaos and then keep going!
I hope that helps and I hope you all have a productive day. Now let’s all get back to work!