
Turn Inward When Navigating Through Change

Due to a busy summer, it’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to sit down and write in my blog. I always have so many ideas I want to share with you guys, so I’m happy to take some time today to share my thoughts. Today’s blog post is about turning inward when navigating through change. Right now, many of us may be facing changes in our lives. We’re in the midst of a changing season, many of our kids have or are going back to school, many of us have family members who might be dealing with health issues and the economy is always changing, which can affect our jobs, businesses, real estate and financials. There are also many changes and obstacles we’re currently facing as a society, country and nation. And the list goes on and on. Some changes are bigger and more significant than others and some people are better at handling change than others. However, change is change, nonetheless and can be uncomfortable and sometimes even scary.

How we deal with change is very important for our health and wellbeing and can influence the long term impacts of those changes. Therefore, turning inward is really critical for not only helping ourselves through change, but being in a place to help and connect with our families, friends and others as well. Here are some things we can do to turn inward during times of change:

  • Pay attention to our feelings: Are we feeling anxious, stressed or scared? Or are we feeling excited, hopeful or relieved? Acknowledging how we feel is important to validating ourselves and our feelings during change.
  • Breathe: Remembering to do something as natural and essential to our being as breathing can help take the complexity out of change. It can give us perspective and a sense of gratitude to be living, breathing, human beings, no matter what else might be going on.
  • Meditate or silence our minds: Meditation goes hand in hand with breathing and gives us permission to clear our heads of all the worries, fears and scenarios we might be playing out. It allows us to open our minds and hearts to new perspectives, positive thoughts and outcomes. It also gives us the tools to connect with ourselves and manage our emotions.
  • Write in a journal: Another great way to navigate through change is to write. We can problem solve, strategize, plan or simply document our thoughts and feelings. A journal is something we can come back to later and our writing may shift our thinking about the change and give us new, creative ways to think about it and deal with it.
  • Get some sleep: Sometimes when navigating through change, it can be helpful to just sleep on it. Getting enough sleep can help us to be in a healthier place emotionally, physically and mentally. When we’re sleep-deprived, our minds can get foggy, we may not think as logically and may become overly emotional. Therefore, sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing and ability to successfully handle change.
  • Practice gratitude: Taking a step back to appreciate and be grateful for all that we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have or might be losing in the midst of a change, can help give us a different viewpoint and most likely will make us feel better. It may sound cliche, but it really does work if we consistently shift our mindset to one of gratitude.

I hope these suggestions are useful. I do these things myself and find them to be extremely helpful. Life is not always easy and dealing with life changes can be hard. However, having the right tools can really help make things easier and more peaceful.

That’s it for today, Passion Fit Crew! Remember to turn inward when navigating through change in ways that work best for you. Until